Terms and Conditions

Payment of deposit

    Upon receiving an unconditional offer, and prior to receiving a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) or Short-Term Study Visa letter, all applicants are required to either:
  • Provide a letter of official sponsorship from a sponsoring government or other body satisfying the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) definition of an 'official financial sponsor';
  • Or, pay a deposit towards tuition fees. Applicants whose tuition fees will be less than £2000 should pay their full fee in advance. All other applicants are required to pay a £2000 deposit.
    Payments should be made payable to Loughborough College, by one of the following methods:
  • By bank transfer:

    Loughborough College

    Sterling Bank Account Details

    Account Name: Loughborough College

    Bank Name: Santander

    Bank Address: Bootle, Merseyside, L30 4GB, United Kingdom

    Sort Code: 09-02-22

    Account Number: 10911145


    IBAN: GB65ABBY09022210911145

    Reference number GB04LOYD30658540329560 must be quoted on all payments

  • By a cheque drawn on a London Clearing Bank (for example HSBC)
  • By debit or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro or Solo)

Applicants who cannot visit the College in person should telephone the Finance Office on +44 (0)1509 618306 to make a payment by debit or credit card.
It is essential for applicants to quote their student ID number on all payments. This is a six digit number that is shown on the offer letter, CAS Statement or visa letter.

Refund of tuition fee deposits

The required deposit of £2000 (or the full fee if this is less than £2000) is non-refundable, except where an applicant’s visa application is refused and the applicant is able to provide a copy of the official refusal notice from UKVI. In such cases, the full deposit will be refunded to the student, less a £250 administration charge.

Loughborough College reserves the right to decline a refund request where an applicant’s visa application has been refused on the grounds that fraudulent documents have been submitted to UKVI, or where the applicant did not follow the UKVI guidance and process for visa application submission. For example, if the visa is refused because the bank statement(s) submitted to evidence the maintenance requirements are not in accordance with the UKVI guidance, the tuition fee deposit would not be refunded. More information about the visa application process can be found on the gov.uk website.

If an applicant pays a deposit of more than £2000 and notifies the College in advance (before the start date quoted on the applicant’s CAS/ visa letter or, in the case of Short-Term Study applicants, their offer letter) that they will not be taking up their place, they may apply for a refund of the fees paid minus the compulsory deposit of £2000. In cases of visa refusal, applicants will be entitled to a full refund of fees paid, less a £250 administration charge, providing the conditions in the paragraph above are satisfied.

Deposits may be transferred by an applicant to an alternative course or alternative start date for a maximum of two academic years. After this time, applicants will forfeit their deposit. It is not possible to transfer a deposit from one student to another.

Deposits are not refundable if an applicant fails to meet the entry requirements for their course; therefore applicants are advised to wait until their offer is unconditional before making the required payment. Places will be held for conditional offer holders who have returned a completed Acceptance Form.

Tuition fee payments

Tuition fees quoted on the offer letter and CAS or visa letter are for one academic year only, unless stated otherwise. Loughborough College reserves the right to increase tuition fees for the second and subsequent years of study.

Students who are self-funded (i.e. not sponsored by an 'official financial sponsor') will be required to pay their outstanding tuition fees in full either before or at enrolment. Payment by instalments is not permitted for any international student, as evidence of funds will have been required to secure a visa.

Students who join their course late will not be entitled to a reduction in fees to take account of the missed weeks, unless they are attending the Academic English Language Programme and advise the College of their new start date prior to their arrival in Loughborough.

Tuition fees are non-refundable. However, in the exceptional circumstances of the student’s chosen programme of study being cancelled by the College, a full refund will be made.

Loughborough College reserves the right to change a course of study if, after the initial assessment, an appropriate English level is not achieved or progress and attendance are unsatisfactory. In the event of a change of study plan, tuition fee deposits and balances will be transferred to the next course at the College and not refunded.

Tuition Fee Incentives, and Discounts

Sibling Discount: Self-funded international students will receive a 5% discount per sibling if all tuition fees are paid in full in one payment, prior to the issue of their CAS or visa letter. For any students who do not require a CAS or visa letter, the 5% discount will only apply if the full tuition fees are paid in one payment, prior to enrolment. The sibling discount is subject to satisfactory evidence of the sibling relationship being received, such as a birth certificate for each sibling, showing at least one parent in common.

Please note that only one incentive or discount can be applied to tuition fees payable in an academic year, and therefore it is not possible to combine both the Prompt Payment Incentive and the Sibling Discount. Incentives and discounts do not apply on our English Language Programmes or Short Courses. Occasionally, Loughborough College may offer exceptional students on certain programmes a scholarship. This is entirely at the discretion of the college, and neither of the incentives / discounts detailed above can be used in conjunction with any scholarship.

Sponsored Students

Students who are sponsored by their government or employer (who must meet the UKVI definition of an ‘official financial sponsor’) will be expected to provide written confirmation of sponsorship, addressed to Loughborough College, within the first four weeks of their course. If this financial guarantee letter cannot be provided, Loughborough College reserves the right to suspend the student’s studies until the appropriate documentation is received.

If a sponsor fails to pay the full cost of tuition, the student will become liable for the outstanding amount.


The teachers have taught me very well, and they make sure to keep lessons interesting. The facilities available at the college would be of interest to any potential student. The college also has very pleasant staff, and offers great opportunities in terms of progression.

Rishika Tripathi

United Arab Emirates